We want to share the credibility and experience that Movement Counseling and Wellness offers in Counseling and other areas. We’ve included below details of our credentials, their aligning acronyms, and Colorado’s qualifications to achieve these titles.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Minimum 2 years post-graduate degree, 2000 hours of supervised experience pre-licensure.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Received masters degree in counseling; pre-licensure and receives supervision.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Minimum 2 years post-graduate degree, 2000 hours of supervised experience pre-licensure; 1000 hours working with family systems.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Received master’s degree in marriage and family counseling; pre-licensure and receives supervision.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Graduated with master’s in social work; receiving supervision for clinical work.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Minimum 2 years post-graduate degree, 2000 hours of supervised experience pre-licensure.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Accredited through Center of Credentialing and Education; minimum 5 years post-graduate program, 4000 hours post-graduate, 45 credit hours of supervision specific training.

  • Colorado Qualifications: Master’s degree in related field, two years and 2,000 hours of supervised clinical experience, 35-50 hours of clinical supervision, 350-500 hours of clinical play therapy with clients, and 150 APT CE hours of play therapy specific instruction.