Biology of Change and Tips to Cope

Change (n)- the act or instance of making or becoming different (Oxford Dictionary)

All humans can count on only a few things in life.  One of those things that everyone experiences is change.  We change jobs, partners, homes, the list goes on and on.  Why is it that so many of us fear and avoid change?

There are biological reasons why change is so difficult.  Our nervous systems thrive on repetition and routine.  When we try to break a habit- even if it is a “bad” habit- the nervous system senses change and fights the new behavior.  Inherently, our bodies do not trust change.

Not all change is by choice.  These changes become infinitely harder to accept because the change isn’t occurring organically, the brain does not buy into the change, and the body fights the change that much harder.  

If change is so difficult on a biological level, then how can the brain accept and embrace change on an emotional level?

Change induces anxiety.  Anxiety is the fear of the unknown; the fear of the future.  How can we stay in the present when change is on the horizon?  Here are some easy tips to bring yourself back to the present.

  • Remind yourself that your brain is trying to protect you; you are experiencing a biological reaction to anxiety/stress.

  • Use your five senses.  Any time you use your five senses, it helps the body and brain return to the present.

  • Get it out- anxiety is like a hurricane inside our heads.  Talk about it, write about it, do something to give it a voice outside of your head.

Finally, discomfort inspires growth.  If we’re comfortable, then we don’t want to change anything.  Remind yourself that change may be scary, but it also may influence bigger and better things in your life- change is one of the few things in life that humans can guarantee.  


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